These Lesser Known Credit Card Fees Can Impact Your Travel Budget

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Most people know that credit cards come  with fees

But, some of the fees may surprise you 

 Annual Fee

Remembering the Annual  Fee is one of the most common pitfalls. People tend to forget, or it may have been waved as a sign on bonus, but then is a real surprise when the charge shows up when it is time to renew.

Foreign Transaction Fees

When traveling abroad, you may be charged a foreign transaction fee. Typically this is a percentage of your spending, instead of a flat rate.

Cash Advance Fee

When using credit  cards for your travels, be aware that there may be a fee for cash advances. The fee and interest rate is usually very high and starts accruing immediately.

Owning and responsibly using a travel credit card

Can be a great way to earn points and expand your travel budget


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Brown Rice
Brown Rice
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Hidden & Lesser Known Fees

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